This was my first visit to Newfoundland, a visit that was far overdue. The city itself was great. I didn’t attend much of the conference but I did present, run a couple of meetings and attend others. As you may remember from my shameless plug, I presented at CLA on Second Life. I was part of a talented panel (Donna Bourne-Tyson, Denyse Rodrigues, and Nancy Collins) and my portion was on virtual reference. I spoke on my experiences in the Info Island virtual reference project and touched lightly on our recently launched McMaster virtual reference pilot project from our building on Cybrary City. I will likely post some more complete thoughts on the project when it’s done. The session went well (kudos to all presenters) and we had a much bigger crowd than expected (always a pleasant surprise). I’m hoping our powerpoint and handout will be online soon.
Shameless Plug
I spent my recent research leave concentrating on some Second Life projects I have on the go. With only a couple of weeks before one of them is due, I thought I would put out a shameless plug. I will presenting at the CLA conference in St. John’s this year. I am part of a panel session entitled “Second Life: Virtual Reference & IL Librarians with Wings” and I will be sharing my virtual reference experiences in the virtual world. So, if you’re planning on going to CLA, please say hello.
Also, as AGIIG convenor, we will be having our annual meeting at CLA, so check out the AGIIG blog for more details.
New Unofficial AGIIG Blog
Well, I’ve got the Unofficial Access to Government Information Interest Group (AGIIG) blog up and running and announced. I’ve already had some good feedback. I’m hoping the blog will act as a means to discuss issues facing gov pubs and gov pubs librarians. While we all know there are issues, it’s difficult for all of us to come together and talk about what’s happening and what we need to do. What better use of a blog is there!
Join! Join! Join!
Hear ye! Hear ye! The Canadian Library Association (CLA) has opened up membership to CLA interest groups to those not living in Canada, without getting a full CLA membership! For a low price, you too can become a member of a CLA interest group. Check out your options today! You may even want to join the group I convene!