
Wish I had a bus like this one! Moncton is offering wireless on their buses! While the bus may be one of the few places where you can escape work, there are advantages to having wireless on a long ride. It will be interesting to see how long it takes before others follow suit.

Wishful Thinking

Radiohead decided to release their album online – without a price. They gave fans the option to pay what they wanted! My guess is that many will still give something to have the album. Wouldn’t it be nice if database providers would do the same? Again, I’d be willing to pay something, just not the crazy prices many are asking for.

Where did summer go?

Well, the campus is thriving again, the student centre is chaos, and there is noise again in the library. Yes, it is the first day of classes. Yesterday was our annual Clubsfest and we handed out 1125 waterbottles (pic to come) in an hour and a half! The bottles promoted both our campus libraries and the local public library. Students were asking for them all day! Guess we’ll have to order more next year, although I hope to do more with our welcome week, something more akin to the Ubiquitous Librarians‘ events.

It’s a busy fall ahead, with my distance course to teach, instruction to do, new responsibilities as a liaison and presentations to prepare for.

We’ve been busy at the library. We’ve relaxed our food policy, started an online group study room booking system, are constantly updating our website to function better and are working have a new popular fiction collection. And, I’m going to buy  I bought a Second Life Island today! We have 5 new librarians with 2 more on the way and 4 interns to help shake things up too. It’s going to be a busy and interesting fall!

update: I forgot to mention that we added Amazon links to our catalogue and have gotten our first self-check-out machine! – there’s just so much happening!

Odds and Sods

Well, I’ve found a bunch of interesting tidbits. So here they are:

  • There was a tremor near-ish my hometown in Nova Scotia. I have relatives in the area of the tremor too. Most unusual for this area. Not big but strange to hear about!
  • They’ve found a golden mask for a Thracian king! Most exciting – they’re quite a rare find.
  • Work is being done on Open Library. Here’s the site description: “Imagine a library that collected all the world’s information about all the world’s books and made it available for everyone to view and update. We’re building that library.” Kudos! Something we should have been working on for some time now. This is a site to watch!
  • Meredith Farkas has a great post on risk-taking. It’s something I think I need to try to do a little more. I’ve done more than I thought I might have but there’s still room for improvement. It’s good to get out of our comfort zone and grow as individuals.

Falling Prices

Finally! For far too long Canadians have been paying for books at a high price. The strength of the loonie is finally going to change that and we can expect to see book prices lower. I’m not sure if CLA has been advocating for this change but it seems the Canadian Booksellers Association has been pushing to reduce book prices. More can be found in this news piece.

New Words

Merriam-Webster is adding new words to their dictionary, including ginormous, sudoku and speed dating. It always amazes me what gets added to a dictionary and sometimes feel that many should be in a slang dictionary instead. That aside, I was pleased to find “gray literature” – defined, at least by the news article, as hard-to-get written material was being added in. Perhaps we’ll be able to help students find it now that it’s officially recognized. The only thing I might change is that gray literature should also include online material as well. Here’s an article on the topic.