Happy Ides!

As a classicist, I am required to say Happy Ides of March! May you not be required to look over your shoulder. Sentio aliquos in togatos contra mei conspirare (apologies for typos, my latin is rusty to say the least).

For any who might not know, March 15th, the Ides of March, is the day Caesar was assassinated. Et tu, blog reader?

I Survived!

Yes, I have survived 3 straight days of statistics! I think I deserve a badge of honour. The Winter Institute on Statistical Literacy for Librarians was actually quite good. The small size allowed for lots of conversation and connections. As I’ve often said, the informal discussion is often some of the most enlightening parts of any conference. I like to find out what others are up to and how they’re approaching similar problems. As it turns out, I knew more than I thought about statistics. Sometimes you just need to be reassured that you are indeed on the right track.

Now it’s time to start my first 2 week research leave. I’m quite excited about the chance to concentrate on research again – it’s been a while. Perhaps unsurprisingly, this leave will be devoted to some work on Second Life. I’ll let you know if anything comes out of it!

Naughty Librarian

I recently found out that on Book Television (Canadian version, if there is such a thing) has deemed January Naughty Librarian month, with films, documentaries, etc. I haven’t witnessed this for myself as I unfortunately do not subscribe to this channel. I’ve never quite understood the fascination with the naughty librarian, but it seems that it’s worthy of a special month of programming.

Happy Birthday Wee!

Well, the birthday of this blog has quietly come and gone. I’ve survived my first blog year, although my first steps were perhaps spastic and slow, much like my posts. This year has been one of excitement and change for me. Thanks for joining me on the ride so far. It is now time for the dreaded list of things I will accomplish this year, so I have something to look back upon and say, gee, I had great intentions:

  • I hope to blog more frequently (as everyone always says but life decides otherwise)
  • I hope to be more insightful in my future blog posts
  • I promise to have fun with my blog!

Hope to see you on my second birthday!

For All Those Classicists Out There

I can’t help it, I love Classics (yes, I enjoy classical music, but I love the study of Ancient Greece and Rome and intend to do more as soon as I find time…). Anyway, just thought I’d share some news from the archaeological world. It seems they have found a ship, in rather good condition, off the coast of Spain. It seems they were carrying garum, the sauce that Romans loved and I can’t fathom eating. Maybe there will be some left to try…

Odds and Sods

Here are some interesting tid bits to pass along.

It looks like open access journals and open peer review have made it onto CTV’s radar. Perhaps the wave of academia’s future?

The Library and Archives of Canada has released their Report on Plans and Priorities 2006-2007.

Update:  This just in: an article from the Halifax Chronicle Herald in Nova Scotia suggests that the Community Access Program (CAP) is cut. Terrible news for the many rural areas (possibly even my small hometown) which rely on the program.