The city of Windsor is trying to force the library board to cut $800 000, 10% of its budget, without closing branches or reducing hours. The library board is refusing to make the cuts themselves. More information on this fight can be found here.
public libraries
Library and Archives Canada
Go LAC! They’re doing some neat things lately. There is a new show on CBC called Who Do You Think You Are? – they take Canadian celebs and trace their genealogy – and it’s presented in part by LAC! They also have recently launched a Goverment of Canada web archive. They’ve also been looking into Second Life. I’m sure they’re doing other neat and nifty stuff. It’s great to see our National Library doing some amazing things.
Phone-in Story Time
Here’s a neat story. Libraries in Nova Scotia have teamed up with phone companies to provide children’s stories. I think this is a great idea, especially since many children don’t live close to a public library. Children call a toll-free number to hear pre-recorded stories. The project’s aim is to help install a love of literacy, and I think story telling, to children.