Lately, I’ve been a little enthralled with the way information and social networks explode and expand. I was lucky enough to get an early invite to Google+ and I found it particularly interesting to see how quickly my circles grew and how connected my particular social circles are. Watching this grow, I thought back to the last time I watched a wave spread throughout my social network – I watched as twitter talked about the possible death of Osama Bin Laden and the official announcement that was given. Social networks have truly changed the way I get information.
There are already lots of blogs and news pieces about Google+, so I’m not going to weigh in too much on the topic – it’s far to early to tell. So far, I like the clean look and I love being able to control circles and who sees my information. I’ve taken much of my information out of facebook because I don’t feel like I’m in control of it. I’m not sure Google+ will take over my use of twitter and friendfeed, but so far, I like it. If it starts getting too game-y, too much like facebook, I’ll be gone.