I can’t help it, I love Classics (yes, I enjoy classical music, but I love the study of Ancient Greece and Rome and intend to do more as soon as I find time…). Anyway, just thought I’d share some news from the archaeological world. It seems they have found a ship, in rather good condition, off the coast of Spain. It seems they were carrying garum, the sauce that Romans loved and I can’t fathom eating. Maybe there will be some left to try…
Where Have All the Documents Gone, Again?
Alas, I have more sad news of documents disappearing. The first incident could easily have been avoided. According to the Globe and Mail, it seems that technicians inadvertantly erased e-versions of documents from the Air-India trial that were about to be released. Their deadline has been pushed back from April to September on account of the incident.
The second incident comes to us from the States. The New York Times reports (may need a subscription) that a U.S. site housing an archive of Iraqi documents was removed when sensative material was found on it. The site is under review.
What’s Next?
Here’s a piece from the BBC which talks about a school plan in which students are fingerprinted before they can borrow a library book. At the moment, there is an opt-out option but it will be interesting to see how long that lasts and how long it will be before others follow suite. I realize books are precious but this is not the way to enforce it. It leaves a bad taste in the mouth. I also can’t see it making reading appealing to children. There are other programs for which fingerprinting is useful (child identification and such) but I don’t feel it’s necessary in the library.
Let Us Remember
It is September 11, the fifth anniversary of the terrorist attacks in New York. I’ll never forget when I heard about what was happening. I was in cataloguing class and during the break, someone turned on the tv. Unfortunately, once the break was over my professor came in and said “Sorry folks, but we’ve got cataloguing to do” and turned off the news coverage. It seemed a little heartless at the time. Nonetheless, my thoughts are with those who lost loved ones on this day. May it never happen again.
New Look
As you may have noticed, I’ve updated my look. That’s a path down to one of the beautiful beaches from my home province of Nova Scotia. Simply gorgeous!
A little bit about me…
Well, maybe not so much about me, but what this blog will be about. I realize this should have been the first blog, but there you have it.
Welcome to my little peice of the web! This is where I will rant about life, but mostly about library related issues. This could run the gamit, from technology in libraries, to simply what’s new and interesting in the library world. As a reference librarian with responsibilites in US and International gov pubs, you will also be bombarded with what’s happening in the ever changing, volatile world of gov pubs. I promise it won’t be too dry! Hope you visit again!
A Techy World
I’m attending a learning technology symposium today. The first session was comparing wikis, blogs, and other collaborative tools. It was a very basic session for me, as blogs, chatting, and the world of rss have become an integral part of my world, particularly my work. I keep forgetting that others, particularly faculty, are not necessarily as in tune with the tech world. It’s a bit of an eye opening experience and I only hope to learn more as the day goes along. I’ll be sure to fill you in on further revelations.
Well, I thought I would check out WordPress. I have a blog over on bloglines but I felt adventurous, so here I am. I will be playing with this over the next few days, so please bear with me. Hope to see you again!