The Wee Librarian 2.0

Well, I’m starting my adventure in the Second Life Library 2.0! I’ve created my avatar but she’s still pretty basic. I’m still a pretty wobbly walker and I just learned to sit. I’m hoping to do some virtual reference and maybe even some Canadian gov pubs collection development in the SL Library. I’ll keep you posted. If you’re in the Second Life Library, look for me, I’m Danu Dahlstom


Trouble coming?

I’m sure many have posted on this, but as a Canadian, this was the first time I took a look at the Deleting Online Predators Act (DOPA) in the States (House Resolution 5319). If passed, it will force schools and libraries to block anything that allow users to post profiles, personal information and allow communication among users or lose federal internet subsidies. This could be a terrible blow to the Web 2.0 movement and seems to be mostly backlash at MySpace. I understand the need to prevent predator’s from approaching children, but educating children on proper use of the web may be the most important step. Despite this being an American resolution, I will be keeping my eye on it, just in case Canada feels the need to follow our neighbours to the south. For more info, check out the post from Techcrunch, which offers links to other sites talking about DOPA.

Better Than Beer

A CNN newsreport makes mention of a survey of 1200 college students that was taken to find out what they consider to be the "in" by undergrads. Tops on the list: iPod. Second Place: Tie between Facebook and Beer. Pretty telling as to what the students are into at the moment. The survey also provides support for those who want to see the library have a presence on Facebook (the students are obviously there) or introduce podcasting to the library. Oh, and the last time the 18 year survey saw beer dethroned from the top spot: 1997, by the Internet.

The Future?

Take a look at this post from A Zulu in Silicon Valley. It looks at a search engine called Quece that actually searches by chat. They call it Conversational search. You search like you think. Simply type in your search, get results, and then you are asked another question, thereby refining your search. This sounds awfully like a reference interview. I haven't tried it out yet but it is certainly added to my to do list. I'll be keeping on eye on this one.

Web 2.0

For those of us still learning about web 2.0 and the myriad of applications that are associated with it, check out the blog A Zulu In Silicon Valley. I'm finding it a great way to find about many of the new applications that probably would have gone amiss. There just simply isn't enough time in a day to get it all done, the surfing and exploring, work, and of course, a life. It's also a nice way to start dreaming what possible library applications there might be with some of these things.