I've returned from the annual CLA Conference that was held in Ottawa. While I couldn't attend the whole conference, I did manage to attend the Access to Government Information Interest Group (AGIIG) track, the first AGIIG track at a CLA conference. I was official notetaker, so I couldn't blog directly from the conference, but I will be posting highlights of the sessions I attended. Unfortunately, these postings may be a little late, as I try to get everything done before dashing off to the ALA Conference in New Orleans at the end of this week. Top on the list of things to do, is updating the course manual and exercises for a course I'll be teaching in the fall. Starting in September, I will be teaching (through Distance Education) Information Work 420, the second part of a reference course (dealing with directories, handbooks, statistics, government information, GIS and the reference process) for Mohawk College's Library and Information Technician's Diploma program. So, until that's done, the conference postings will be on the back burner (sorry). But, once done, there will be conference postings galore, as I will have all the details on ALA too! Stay tuned!