I hope you’re not bored of my days yet. Here’s how today went:
- catch up an emails, etc – you know the drill
- met with colleague from First Year Experience Office to discuss library involvement in Welcome Day and let them know some of the cool things we’re doing (First Year Experience wiki, videos, etc). They will be linking to our resources from their own pages (yay!) and I’ll now be part of the first gen session on Welcome Day, as well as the Parent Panel (another yay!). Also arranged to work out some first year research/writing courses, partnering with a prof (one more yay!) for FYEO.
- listened to latest Adventures in Library Instruction podcast
- finalized high school instruction request form
- attempted to participate in part of ACRL’s OnPoint Chat series, “Are Reference Desks Passé?” but it was full (I guess I need to sign in much earlier).
- networking lunch with colleague in learning technologies. As always, a good time that got ideas flowing
- researched guidelines for consultations/referrals for blended services and looked for good examples
- picked up another liaison area (arts and science inquiry) and will have to look into instruction sessions