Microsoft’s competition to Google Book Search, Live Search Books, is scheduled to release tomorrow (Dec. 7). The British Library, University of California, and University of Toronto have offered out of copyright books and more contributors will be added in Jan. 2007. Guess what I’m playing with tomorrow?
More from the Ancient World
A couple of interesting articles from the news involving ancient relics. The first is in regards to a technological find while the other shares news of a newly discovered Roman coffin.
Update: And news from the archaeology world keeps coming in. Here’s one about a one-of-a-kind find from Rome’s Palatine Hill.
Virtual Excitement
I’m quite excited. I have been given a store front for my library in Second Life on the Cybrary City section (kindly donated to us to use for experimentation by Talis) on InfoIsland. This will allow me to experiment with how we might be able to offer library services in a virtual world and set up things like virtual office hours. I have a lot to learn, as presently there is nothing in my store front. Looks like there are lots of Second Life building classes in my future! Feel free to check out the new space on Cybrary City!
Happy Birthday Wee!
Well, the birthday of this blog has quietly come and gone. I’ve survived my first blog year, although my first steps were perhaps spastic and slow, much like my posts. This year has been one of excitement and change for me. Thanks for joining me on the ride so far. It is now time for the dreaded list of things I will accomplish this year, so I have something to look back upon and say, gee, I had great intentions:
- I hope to blog more frequently (as everyone always says but life decides otherwise)
- I hope to be more insightful in my future blog posts
- I promise to have fun with my blog!
Hope to see you on my second birthday!
Libraries as Friends
We just had a great talk by Alane Wilson of OCLC here at work, looking at a myriad of things, including the OCLC Environmental Scan, trends and branding. One of the questions after her talk was in regards to social networks and friends. This also relates to the point she made that people inherently ask friends for information first. In order to become a place which people more frequently use for their information needs, we need to be considered friends and to accomplish this we must be in their social networks (ie. Facebook, MySpace, etc). This also raised questions about what a “friend” is becoming in the social web, with the answer being that there are varying degrees of “friends”. Further to this was the fact that many are now finding and creating friends rather than simply finding existing friends in these realms.
This got me thinking about how friends are made in the virtual world of Second Life, which probably isn’t too far off from social networks. In Second Life, I befriend a number of people, particularly librarians involved in the project and I do this mainly so I can find someone to help me out in SL and who I may be able to approach to bounce ideas off of; since we are both librarians in a virtual world, we likely have similar outlooks. I also befriend newbies and others I have longer conversations with and I do this so that they may have someone to approach again if they have any information needs. My list of friends continue to grow, but in actuality, I don’t know any of these individuals. Little personal information is shared yet friendship is extended. They are simply a name on a list that I may never actually speak to or encounter again.
Libraries may find their Facebook and MySpace pages in the same place, on numerous lists but never contacted. What will be difficult to do is to stay on the evergrowing list of friends or contacts and not be forgotten or overlooked. Yes, it is important to be in the spaces that our existing and future patrons will be and I fully support libraries reaching out to user groups. What we need to do is figure out how to make ourselves important and useful in these spaces and not just a name on a list that is never thought of again. Do I have an answer for this? Not yet…..
Second Life Meets Real Life
I’ve had my first second life meets real life encounter. I must admit, it was kind of exciting and creepy when we discovered we worked in the same city and occasionally with the same institutions. I’ve heard far too many creepy encounters of virtual life meeting real life. My encounter was a good one though. He’s got some good contacts and is moving well on promoting the use of Second Life. His enthusiasm for the project is admirable. There’s some good potential for collaboration between the two of us and he got me thinking more about how I can implement and promote Second Life at my institution.
For All Those Classicists Out There
I can’t help it, I love Classics (yes, I enjoy classical music, but I love the study of Ancient Greece and Rome and intend to do more as soon as I find time…). Anyway, just thought I’d share some news from the archaeological world. It seems they have found a ship, in rather good condition, off the coast of Spain. It seems they were carrying garum, the sauce that Romans loved and I can’t fathom eating. Maybe there will be some left to try…
Surprise Surprise
Well, actually, not really. Most of us knew the paperless office was a fallacy. Statistics Canada now reports what we knew was true: paper consumption has increased over the last 20 years.
Where Have All the Documents Gone, Again?
Alas, I have more sad news of documents disappearing. The first incident could easily have been avoided. According to the Globe and Mail, it seems that technicians inadvertantly erased e-versions of documents from the Air-India trial that were about to be released. Their deadline has been pushed back from April to September on account of the incident.
The second incident comes to us from the States. The New York Times reports (may need a subscription) that a U.S. site housing an archive of Iraqi documents was removed when sensative material was found on it. The site is under review.
Library Blogs
Looking for library blogs? Of course there are things such as Technorati to help you find what you’re look for. Check out the new LISZen library blog search! LibraryZen has created a Google custom search for searching 500+ library blogs.