A very late post for OLA’s 2010 Superconference. This year was a little bit different for me. I didn’t get to attend too many sessions this year and that’s because I took my new role as OLITA President. This meant a little more behind the scenes activity, more talking with vendors and meeting all sorts of great people. We’ve got a great OLITA council this year and I look forward to working with them as we re-examine our strategic priorities and make sure they’re aligned with OLA’s new strategic plan. Digital Odyssey is also quickly coming! This year it’s Going Mobile and will be held at Ryerson June 11. We’ve invited Jason Griffey to be our keynote – it’s going to be great! Be sure to keep an eye on the OLITA website for details. Ok, well, I’ve slipped into talking about OLITA rather than the conference, so back to the conference. As always, it was a great conference (complete with obligatory snow storm) and a big congrats to all the people who put so much work and effort into making it a wonderful conference!
SuperConferencing It Up
This past week, I attended OLA’s SuperConference and it was, as always, great. I find the shot of professional rejuvination quite necessary in the seemingly never-ending month of January and the conference didn’t let me down. I will confess that I didn’t attend many actual sessions. This conference, I found I really did more networking that I have in the past. I met up with people I haven’t seen in a while and it was great! I’m starting to think that sessions at conferences need to be shorter so that more networking can be done in longer breaks. It’s the chatting with fellow librarians that really helps me put things in perspective.
I gave a session with Shawn McCann on gaming and virtual worlds in academic libraries. I was tired of the regular presentation, so we decided to do the whole thing as a Jeopardy game with clickers. It was more active for the attendees and more fun for us. Slides should be going online soon.
Also, in a strange turn of events, I am now the Vice President and President-Elect for OLITA. Looks like exciting times ahead!