Fun with Wordle

My last day of vacation and my first meme thanks to my colleague Amanda. What is the meme you ask? Well, let me tell you. You may have heard of Wordle – it makes neat tag clouds of text or tags. It’s really a lot of fun. I put in my tags and got this lovely image. It’s amazing how it really does pull out what’s important to you at the moment.

So, the meme is to take your favourite text and put it into Wordle and share the image. I’ve chosen to take Book 1 of the Iliad by Homer. This one is translated by Samuel Butler and taken from Project Gutenburg. Some of you may know of my background in Classics (not music, not literature but ancient Greece and Rome) so I figured this was a fitting example.

I guess this means I have to chose some others to pass this along, so I’ll tag a few of my tweeps: Amy, Michelle, and Julie.