Tagging and Folksonomies

The next section of learning 2.0 is tagging and folksonomies. I’ve been a fan of Flickr and del.icio.us for a long time now and I think that there is a lot of power in tagging and folksonomies. To the shagrin of many librarians, I can’t wait to be able to add tagging to our catalogue. I think it will help students find what they need in a new, easier way and am always excited to see it being added to more and more library catalogues.

I’ve placed a number of my better pictures on Flickr already (you can link over to them from my blog, if you haven’t noticed). I’ve used del.icio.us for research a number of times – I’ve found a number of items that I might have missed otherwise thanks to others tags.

It was hard to limit my flickr photo to just one, but I thought this one was great! I’m a sucker for trees and fog (must be because I’m from N.S.).


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