Yes, I’ve said it before and I’ve said it again, Second Life is the beginning. But the beginning of what? A new 3D social network? A new 3D internet? A new virtual world? A new way of teaching, learning, or collaborating? The beginning of web 3.0? All of these? Well, there have been some interesting posts on Web3D and why they think it’s the next step. Check out Vicki Davis’ post on Cool Cat Teacher (scroll down to the entry The Frontier of Education: Web3D) and a response at Sean’s Emerging… Definitely food for thought.
I think the important point is that our students are comfortable in this type of environment and that 3D environments will help allow students to collaborate, explore and learn in ways that are more appropriate to them.
Web3D is also a long standing trade association to promote 3D standards: see Education is not on their radar yet, but of interest.
web3d should not only focus on online games. VR application is also useful and popular. for example, web3d product showcase.
Here is an example for xbox 360: web3d for xbox 360
This tech is not ready for a whole 3d sociaty but it’s good for exibition.
Neat example Michael. And I agree with you, VR should be included in Web 3D.